musei e gallerie


Verghereto/ Museo Storico - Casa dell'Eccidio di Tavolicci - musei_gallerie

Museo Storico - Casa dell'eccidio di Tavolicci

Tavolicci, a small mountain hamlet in the Municipality of Verghereto, is an important "Place of Memory" where one of the most tragic fascist reprisals of Romagna took place during the last world war. On the evening of July 21, some Fascist National Guard officers roamed the country assuring people that no harm would be done to them.


On the night of July 22, 1944, while everyone was asleep, a squad of a dozen soldiers rounded up the population, locked them in a room in a house in the center of the village and exterminated them with machine gun shots. Some survived by throwing themselves from the windows of the burning house, but 64 people were killed, including 19 children under the age of 10. That house, restored and furnished as in the past, has become the museum "House of the massacre of Tavolicci" . There are exhibits relating to the Second World War and works by various artists.

Tavolicci, a small mountain hamlet in the Municipality of Verghereto, is an important "Place of Memory" where one of the most tragic fascist reprisals of Romagna took place during the last world war. On the evening of July 21, some Fascist National Guard officers roamed the country assuring people that no harm would be done to them. On the night of July 22, 1944, while everyone was asleep, a squad of a dozen soldiers rounded up the population, locked them in a room in a house in the center of the village and exterminated them with machine gun shots. Some survived by throwing themselves from the windows of the burning house, but 64 people were killed, including 19 children under the age of 10. That house, restored and furnished as in the past, has become the museum "House of the massacre of Tavolicci" . There are exhibits relating to the Second World War and works by various artists.
Tavolicci - 47028 Verghereto (FC)
Telephone: 0039 054328999 - Fax: 0039 054328999.
Referent: Istituto per la Storia della Resistenza e dell'Età contemporanea della Provincia di Forlì-Cesena
Getting here

Percorrendo la E/45 uscire a Bagno di Romagna e seguitare per qualche centinaio di metri sulla SP.138 in direzione S. Piero in Bagno; poi si imbocca sulla destra un ponte e si seguono le indicazioni verso Alfero e Riofreddo seguendo la SP. 43. A Riofreddo (km 15) occorre deviare sulla sinistra immettendosi sulla SP. 130: la si percorre per 5 km e, all'indicazione Tavolicci, si segue la SP 135 (km 8). Poco dopo l'abitato di Tavolicci, una deviazione di 500 metri sulla destra conduce alla "Casa dell'Eccidio".

Hours and rates
  • Opening
    La casa-museo è visitabile solo a richesta
  • Working day
    lunedì-martedì-mercoledì-venerdì 8.30 / 12.00 giovedì 8.30 / 12.00
Mon, 29 Jun 2020 07:44:35 +0000